On Equal Opportunities, High-Performance and My Struggle to Define High-Performance.
April 11, 2022 2022-04-25 6:15On Equal Opportunities, High-Performance and My Struggle to Define High-Performance.
On Equal Opportunities, High-Performance and My Struggle to Define High-Performance.
We are lucky/unlucky to live in a world where your ability to provide a rare skill or any skill that is in demand can hugely profit you and your family. An Olympic athlete who prepares at least four years for an event will probably never earn the same amount yearly as a pro football player playing for a decent club/team makes in a month. At the same time, the construction worker or a farmer who possibly works the hardest and the longest daily will never, on average, earn more than a football player or the Olympic athlete in their entire life.
Now, don’t get me wrong. This blog is not a capitalism VS socialism debate. And why should anyone who earns a million or even a billion a year feel guilty about making it? They had no control over where they were born and who they were born to. Yes, in an ideal world, everyone would get the same opportunities to compete in the Olympics, start a business, or even get an equal education. But we cannot change what our ancestors did in one day or even one year. Bringing change nationwide might require decades of training the right people. A pre-requisite to that is building the right system that can recruit and train the right people.
So Then, How Does High-Performance Fit in This Blog?
I keep thinking that as well. For one, I honestly don’t know what high-performance means anymore. I have been learning ways to enhance physical and mental performance for almost a decade now. But wouldn’t that also apply to farmers and construction workers? Let’s not forget they are “humans” also, haha. Their fields are just not as sexy as professional athletes and tech billionaires. So, wouldn’t the same but slightly different weight training and nutrition that helps “elite athletes” perform better also be better for the construction workers and the farmers? Wouldn’t they want to experience working efficiently, effectively, and experience pain-free movement? I mean, wouldn’t you want that as well? I want that!
We all say equal opportunities, but we don’t really mean equal opportunities for everyone from everywhere on the earth. I can’t even begin to explain or visualize what that world looks like. Everyone gets to try out for Manchester United, stand in political elections, start their own business, train for an Olympic event, and get the same education and healthcare.
I constantly struggle with finding the correct language to describe what I do. Am I a strength and conditioning coach because I am professionally trained to be one? Am I a high-performance coach? Am I a spiritual coach? Am I a mindfulness coach? Am I a life coach? A blogger/entrepreneur? Because High-Performance coaching doesn’t mean being able to run your best 5k or increase your earning 10X. Coaching is holistic, if you do good in one area of your life, it has a ripple effect, and you suddenly find yourself doing good in most areas of your life.
Honestly, my web designer only recently asked me what is it that you do? And so did my brother. How can I expect you to buy what I am trying to sell if my family doesn’t even know that? Haha. I struggle with describing because I don’t want to sound like a scammy salesperson. I don’t lack confidence or people skills; sometimes, I cannot get out of my own head. Wouldn’t it be amazing if I just started calling people and offering them coaching? That would be my definition of high-performance selling.
So, What is High-Performance Then?
- Does high-performance only belong in big organizations?
- Or can small one-person start-ups like mine also experience it?
- Does it only belong to Olympic athletes, or can farmers and construction workers too?
It’s honestly up-to-the individuals and their perception of what it means. I know for sure that we all strive for high performance in one way or another, whether to become very good in our disciplines or be a good parent, employee, student, or athlete. Remember, don’t confuse high-performance with perfection; I discussed that in the previous blog. Another thing I am certain about is that high-performers tend to be life-long learners, always curious/hungry because they know high-performance requires improving/upgrading on a daily basis. On the contrary, for a Buddhist Monk high performance could mean the cessation of wanting, desiring, and the need for high performance. Total neutrality!
The secret lies within ‘what is.’
Yep, the blog ends here. If I left you even more confused, I apologize, but I succeeded if I left you with more questions. Now, go out in the world and try to figure out your way.